Sunday, July 1, 2012

Travel article
Historical sites in Eritrea
Welcome to the Debrebizen Monastery Church
  If you’re looking to explore heritage sites in Eritrea,   I would like to tell you about one of the historical places in our country. Debrebizen   is one of the entreat   monasteries and an important place to visit. It is the most well-known monastery of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church and is located on the East coast of the red sea. This monastery was founded by Abune Phillips in 1361 A.D.
Debrebzien (Mount Bizen) is very popular place for the Eritrean people especially those who are religious. People usually go for three or more day’s trip once a year for two reasons. The main reason that people are keen to go this place is that it has an historical church built entirely   of pink granite which has been cut into the sides of huge smooth rocks.    
Another reason is that they want to get spiritually blessed and to take photos sitting on the top of the historical rocks and mountains. I went there twice when I was in Eritrea. It was a great experience for me. I saw the historical church with the beautiful icons and the written words which describe the holy place. It also has a collection of embroidered ecclesiastical robes, umbrellas, wooden curved crosses and other artifacts.
 However, the monastery has got a special rule which states it is possible for men to visit there, but woman are denied entrance to the monastery and its surroundings. This rule also applies to all female pack animals.
If you start the trip from Asmara, the capital city of Eritrea, you go by car or train to the town of Nefasit, a small city near the monastery. The cost of the transport is not expensive. It costs around 25 Nakfa (Eritrean currency) which is approximately 1 USA dollar. Food and accommodation are free if you stay in the monastery. Everything is organized for the guests who come to visit the monastery. For example, different rooms are available for sharing with others and food is   prepared only by the men. People who are really passionate about coffee, tea and suwa (a traditional drink) are also served with friendly and warm welcome by the old style men.

This heritage monastery has a fascinating history and it is extremely different from other   places because only the males live there. The annual celebration of Debre Bizen is on August 11.

In my opinion, this is an essential place for tourists who need to visit historical styles and for monks to practice a sacred life. Furthermore, the most pleased time for Debre Bizen is on its annual celebrated day because you can enjoy different kind of spiritual song and can all the historical side of the monastery.
First established in the 14th Century AD, in the year 1360, by Abune Filipos